The Latin expression “ ex voto ” means “ by virtue of a vow ”. Ex votos are precious objects offered with gratitude or to honor a wish made to a deity or saint. Their history dates back to Antiquity, when the Greeks and Romans used them to celebrate moments of grace : miraculous healing, survival after an accident or success in areas that were dear to them.
Caroline and the Ex Voto: The Art of Collecting Happiness
Our co-founder Caroline has a special connection with ex voto symbols . Having lived in Mexico for six months, she was deeply immersed in the cultural richness of this country. The ex votos, often of Mexican origin, captured his heart. Dotting her home with these symbols, she sees them as lucky amulets , evoking luck and positive energy . For Caroline, these little wonders are much more than decorative objects, they are fragments of happiness that illuminate her life. 🌟
The Team's favorites 🩷
The Ex Voto Carla long necklace is adorned with pink chalcedony , a stone that evokes empathy and compassion . In addition, chrysoprase , with its soothing green hue, symbolizes tenderness and gentleness . This necklace is distinguished by an ex voto medallion , a symbol traditionally used to express gratitude and devotion .

Our ex voto heart charm reminds you to stay grateful for life's gifts and cultivate a positive mindset. Green onyx is a stone that brings mental strength , emotional balance and self - confidence .

Highlight your style with our unique CARLA ex voto heart hoop , adorned with a magnificent ex voto heart medallion . Every detail of the medallion tells a story. Let this special hoop express your spiritual side and add a touch of pep to your look.