
tenderness - calm - truth

Amazonite is the natural stone that brings “cool” to spirituality! With its beautiful blue-green hue, it transports you to an oasis of inner calm. This stone is like an invitation to relaxation, helping you chase away stress in the blink of an eye. But that's not all ! Amazonite is also known for its ability to open the heart chakra, helping you break down barriers and show empathy towards others. It’s like the superpower of active listening! So, if you are looking to combine style and spirituality while remaining relaxed, Amazonite is the stone that will make you shine with complete serenity.

Zodiac Signs: Gemini - Pisces - Sagittarius - Aquarius

Which chakras? Throat Chakra - Heart Chakra

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calm - spirituality - wisdom

Amethyst is a bit of a superstar of precious stones! With its magnificent purple hue, it envelops you in a mystical atmosphere, even in broad daylight. But that's not all, this stone is also famous for its soothing properties. Amethyst is like a yoga session for the soul. It helps you relax, relieve stress and immerse yourself in a relaxing bath. It's like having your own personal spa at your fingertips. In addition, it stimulates intuition and creativity, transforming you into a veritable ball of limitless creativity.

Zodiac Signs: Aquarius - Virgo - Sagittarius

Stone of the month of February

Which chakras? Third Eye Chakra - Crown Chakra

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concentration - spirituality - healing

This natural stone is simply mesmerizing with its deep blue that seems to have captured a part of the universe. If you are looking to raise your level of consciousness, azurite is here to give you a boost. It is a booster for intuition and creativity. You can almost feel the great ideas swirling around you when you wear it. Additionally, it promotes mental clarity, as if sweeping away the clouds of confusion to let the sun of understanding shine. So, if you want to explore new creative horizons and decipher the mysteries of the universe, azurite is your ticket to a journey inside yourself.

Zodiac Signs: Aries - Sagittarius - Libra

Which chakras? Third Eye Chakra - Crown Chakra

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Pink Chalcedony

kindness - empathy - calm

With its pinkish hue, it instantly evokes a feeling of happiness and softness. This stone is like a hug you give yourself. It is known for bringing inner peace and balancing emotions. It's as if it had the magical power to make stress disappear and create a climate of zenitude. In addition, it promotes creativity and self-expression. You'll feel like an artist in a dream studio, ready to let your imagination soar.

Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius - Gemini - Capricorn - Cancer

Which chakra? Heart Chakra

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harmony - dialogue - serenity

This natural stone is a true work of nature's art, with its green-blue nuances that transport you to a magical aquatic world. Speaking of magic, Chrysocolla is known to bring serenity and calm emotional storms. It's like a cozy blanket for the soul, helping you cope with stress and feel zen. Plus, it promotes creative expression, making you feel like an artist on the verge of creating an exceptional canvas.

So, if you are looking to dive into an ocean of creativity and tranquility, Chrysocolla is your daily ally.

Zodiac Signs: Taurus - Libra

Which chakra? Throat Chakra

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gentleness - trust - tenderness

With its bright green hue, Chrysoprase exudes freshness and vitality. It's the stone that makes you feel like you're taking a walk in an orchard in the middle of summer. But that's not all ! Chrysoprase is famous for its soothing properties and its power of purification. It is like a mini meditation session for the soul, helping to eliminate stress and promote inner harmony. Additionally, it stimulates creativity and personal growth, making you feel like the Picasso of your own life.

Zodiac Signs: Libra - Cancer - Gemini - Pisces

Which chakras? Heart Chakra - Sacral Chakra

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calm - confidence - protection

Coral is as if nature had decided to offer you a piece of the ocean to wear around your neck! With its shades of red, pink and orange reminiscent of a sunset on the beach, it's almost as if this stone is an invitation to the party.

It is renowned for bringing vitality and energy, as if it were a tropical cocktail of well-being. It also promotes creativity and communication, giving you the power to express your ideas with style.

If you want to add a touch of pep to your life, Coral is your ticket to a tropical adventure where every day is a sunny day!

Zodiac Signs: Aries - Pisces - Scorpio

Which chakra? Root Chakra

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Aquaterra Jasper

protection - stability - courage

Aquaterra Jasper is as if the Earth had decided to play with giant watercolor brushes! With its calming shades of blue, green and beige, this natural stone resembles an abstract work of art in the mineral world. But this stone is not only beautiful, it also brings a dose of calm and balance to your life. It's a bit like having a Zen coach in your pocket, ready to help you relieve stress and stay calm. Plus, it promotes connection with nature, inspiring you to get out and enjoy life.

Zodiac Signs: Taurus - Capricorn - Scorpio - Virgo

Which chakras? Throat Chakra - Heart Chakra

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Dalmatian Jasper

balance - joy - imagination

With its vintage side, it is known for bringing good humor and joy. It's a bit as if it were the "healthy glow" stone, ready to make you smile, even on the grayest days. It also encourages you to let go and see life with a more playful perspective. So, if you're looking to add a little lightness to your daily life and have more fun, Dalmatian Jasper is your ticket to a black and white adventure, but with a touch of joyful madness!

Zodiac Signs: Gemini - Libra - Sagittarius

Which chakras? Sacral Chakra - Root Chakra

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protection - strength - intuition

With its sublime reflections ranging from blue to green to brown, this fine stone resembles a captivating crystal ball. But that's not all ! Labradorite is famous for its ability to amplify intuition and drive away negative energies. It's like she's your best friend, ready to help you unravel mysteries and keep bad vibes at bay. Plus, it stimulates creativity, making you feel like you have an endless flow of ideas. So, if you're looking to add a little magic and sparkle to your life, Labradorite is your funky gemstone to shine bright, even in broad daylight!

Zodiac Signs: Scorpio - Leo - Sagittarius

Which chakra? Third Eye Chakra

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Lapis Lazuli

trust - friendship - tenderness

With its deep blue and golden shimmer, it's as if this natural stone invites you to dance under the stars. But Lapis Lazuli is more than a pretty stone. It is known to promote mental clarity and intuition. It's like you have an internal GPS to guide you in your thoughts. Plus, it stimulates creativity, making you feel like the ultimate artist in your own life. So, if you're looking to add a touch of cosmic magic to your everyday life and let your creativity shine, Lapis Lazuli is your ticket to a stellar adventure.

Zodiac Signs: Pisces - Sagittarius - Aquarius - Libra - Taurus

Which chakras? Third Eye Chakra – Throat Chakra

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development - harmony - calm

Larimar is as if a stone had decided to take a vacation in the Tropics! With its soothing blue hues and flashes of white, it exudes oceanic freshness, immediately transporting you to a sandy beach. In addition to its summery appearance, Larimar is renowned for its soothing properties. It's as if it were a de-stressing machine, helping you find a zen attitude even in the most hectic moments. It also promotes communication, helping you express your ideas with ease.

Zodiac Signs: Virgo - Aquarius - Pisces - Leo

Which chakra? Throat Chakra

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compassion - trust - serenity

With its swirling green patterns, it's like fireworks in the world of minerals. But this stone isn't just fun, it has superpowers! It is known to absorb negative energies, it's like having a good mood sponge for your soul. It also promotes personal growth, helping you evolve toward the best version of yourself. So if you want to add a touch of mystery and transformation to your life while having fun, Malachite is here to help you shine and groove to the rhythm of life.

Zodiac Signs: Aries - Capricorn - Scorpio

Which chakra? Heart Chakra

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calm - wisdom - understanding

With its iridescent reflections reminiscent of the dance of waves, it's a bit as if it were inviting you to a haute couture fashion show of nature. But Mother-of-Pearl is not only pretty, it also has soothing properties. It is renowned for promoting serenity and relaxation, as if it were the hammock of the soul. It also provides emotional protection, enveloping you in a bubble of love and gentleness. So, if you want to add a touch of elegance and peace to your life, Mother of Pearl is your glamorous accessory to shine in relaxation mode.

Zodiac Signs: Cancer - Pisces - Virgo

Which chakras? Third Eye Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra

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Eye of the Tiger

protection - energy - confidence

With its shimmering golden-brown shades, it's a bit like giving you a ray of sunshine to take anywhere. This protective stone has astonishing virtues. It is known for boosting self-confidence, it's a bit like having a super boost to face each day with boldness. It also helps balance emotions, giving you the calm of a cat meditating under the sun.

Zodiac Signs: Leo - Gemini - Virgo

Which chakras? Solar Plexus Chakra - Sacral Chakra

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Black Onyx

stability - balance - anchoring

Black Onyx is as if the stone had decided to dress in a chic and sober suit for an elegant evening! With its deep black, it is the undisputed star of the precious stone. But Black Onyx is much more than that! It is known to bring emotional stability. It also promotes inner strength, giving you the power to overcome obstacles in style. So, if you want to add a touch of elegance and resilience to your life, Black Onyx is your superhero accessory to shine, whether in the evening or in broad daylight!

Zodiac Signs: Leo - Capricorn - Sagittarius

Which chakras? Root Chakra - Heart Chakra

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Green Onyx

confidence - strength - intuition

With its refreshing hue, it's a bit as if this stone invites you to take a walk in an enchanted forest. It is known to bring emotional balance, as if you have an inner master to regulate your moods. It also promotes self-confidence, giving you the superpower to face challenges with aplomb. So, if you want to add a touch of freshness and self-confidence to your life, Green Onyx is your ticket to a great adventure.

Zodiac Signs: Leo - Sagittarius - Capricorn

Which chakra? Heart Chakra

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Moon stone

femininity - intuition - happiness

The Moonstone is a moment of lunar sweetness that you treat yourself to. With its shimmering white-blue reflections that dance in harmony, it is THE stone of femininity. It is renowned for stimulating intuition and inspiration, as if it were the creative genius within you. It also brings serenity and emotional harmony, transforming you into a yogi master of zen attitude. So, if you want to add a touch of magic and creativity to your life, Moonstone is your invitation to a sparkling adventure into the world of gemstones.

Zodiac Signs: Virgo - Capricorn - Gemini

Stone of the month of June

Which chakras? Third Eye Chakra - Sacral Chakra

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love - sweetness - reconciliation

With its gorgeous shades of pink and black, it's almost like she's putting on a fashion show for the emotions. But this stone is not only beautiful, it also has superpowers. It is known to promote emotional balance, as if it were the conductor of your feelings. It also brings compassion and self-love, transforming you into a champion of kindness. So, if you want to add a touch of color and softness to your life, Rhodonite is your ally to help you shine while remaining positive!

Zodiac Signs: Capricorn - Taurus

Which chakra? Heart Chakra

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Ruby Zoïsite

balance - energy - motivation

With its blend of passion pink and calming green, it's as if this stone is an exotic cocktail for your mind. But this stone is not just a pretty mix of colors, it also has amazing properties. It is known to stimulate creativity. It also promotes passion and vitality, transforming you into a real firework of energy.

Zodiac Signs: Leo - Aries - Scorpio

Which chakra? Heart Chakra

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love - protection - calm

With its variety of shimmering colors, it's a bit like inviting you to a funfair for the senses. But make no mistake, this stone is much more than flashy. She is known for absorbing negative energies and balancing emotions, as if she were the guru of emotional well-being. It also promotes creativity and self-confidence, transforming you into a confident and creative artist. So, if you want to add a touch of color to your life while remaining zen and confident, Tourmaline is your ticket to an exhilarating ride.

Zodiac Signs: Gemini - Aries - Taurus

Stone of the month October

Which chakra? Root Chakra

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