You have been accompanying us on this extraordinary adventure for 15 years now. You see us on social networks, we laugh , we talk, but there are many things that you don't know yet. This is why today we decided to introduce ourselves and explain our journey to you in order to be even closer to you ❤️

I am Quitterie , I am 40 years old, 2 children, I have lived in Capbreton for 20 years after growing up in Dax (when we tell you that we cannot do without our beloved region).
I studied business after hesitating for a long time with architecture, but I knew very early on that I wanted to be an entrepreneur and that's what made me choose this course (IUT tec de Co, business school) , I told myself that it would be the most general training to be armed in all aspects of the company ! And looking back, I think it wasn't a bad idea!
As I said, I wanted to start a business very early on, especially thanks to the women in my family : my grandmother , lady of honor, seamstress until she was 101, courageous who gave me the taste of creation, of the work of his hands. My mother , entrepreneur, strong woman and very present mother, who made me want to dictate my own lines and made me understand that we could combine career and family life.
And I knew that was the model I wanted to emulate by having children .
My two daughters, Charlotte and Margaux , are my daily driving force, they make me want every day to pass on to them the happiness of realizing their dreams, of accomplishing themselves, of surpassing themselves. But it's obviously a clever balance that we also maintain with Julien , my husband and lover for 20 years, who shares with me this desire to achieve things, and who is an unfailing support both in personal and professional life!
It's a real joy to be able to flourish with family or at work without guilt on either side and I am well aware that it is largely thanks to his support and mutual respect that we we have for our career.
On a daily basis, I couldn't move forward without them, but also without my amazing partner ! Without being too cliché, I don't think we would have celebrated our 15th anniversary if we weren't quite a duo . We understand each other, we listen to each other, we challenge each other, we support each other, we stimulate each other, we convince each other, we succeed together. It's like an old couple who knows each other by heart!
We learned together , we made mistakes , we got back up , we boosted ourselves and we share on a daily basis the way of undertaking , prudent, human, laborious (a little), exciting (always) and in the I want to bring together a team of such talented girls!
Our slogan : Forget that you have no chance, go for it! On a misunderstanding, it can work!

My turn to introduce myself:
Caroline , 40 years old, co-founder of the Atelier des Dames, mother of 2 little girls aged 6 and 8, originally from Gan, a small village near Pau, formerly shy little girl, neither too good nor too bad at school… Who has always had a desire to travel , lots of dreams and ambitions … In 2008, at the age of 24, I launched L’atelier des Dames…
This slightly crazy story began in the last year of business school , with a head full of ideas, a desire to change the world and the impression of being able to move mountains, youth!! I still remember my banker who agreed to lend me 3,000 euros. When I left I had the impression of having raised several millions of funds... A year after a very artisanal launch Quitterie decided that we would form a duo for the rest of the adventures of the Atelier des dames , and together we are clearly stronger!!
Like all entrepreneurial adventures, there were many ups , many downs , doubts , emotions , fears , a real emotional elevator .
We didn't really have any networks or mentors, but we have amazing family and friends who have supported us since day one!! They are there for the good times but also for the hard times!
We have gone through crises , tried to reinvent ourselves, redefined our strategy , then started all over again many times... I can today say that I am proud of my journey , of the one traveled with my partner who has become my best ally in life, proud of my team of girls, each more invested than the other. Today Atelier des Dames is a beautiful brand established thanks to our team and thanks to loyal customers for so many years! We grew up with you , so thank you !
In the midst of all this, we each had 2 wonderful little girls, and you know what? We're really not perfect... We missed birthdays, parties, because we were at trade shows on the road, we didn't make tons of cakes during confinement, we weren't available on Wednesdays and school holidays... But we hope to have given them beautiful values: love, perseverance and work !! And our men are modern men, which helps slightly on a daily basis!
One word symbolizes our way of seeing things: Karma . Our life is determined by our actions, so we like to believe that love , sharing , laughter and mutual help help us live better.